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Employee reviews & 1:1s#

To encourage a frequent feedback continuum, and to make sure we have our fingers on the pulse of employee concerns and ambitions we operate quarterly employee reviews at, in combination with at least bi-weekly 1:1s between leads and their team members.

This tandem approach allows us to spot and solve areas of concern early and effectively, frequently address or tweak milestones, goals, and growth plans, limit employee isolation working remotely, and consistently obtain employee feedback to help us improve processes and the employee experience.

Employee Reviews#

Quarterly reviews are an opportunity to help us both grow as individuals and improve as a company. It is a brief pause in time to assess the past few months, align where we want to be heading in the future, and have an open conversation with our Leads.

Our reviews, like our surveys and 1:1s, are performed via Lattice. We split the reviews into 2 periods, a 360 review, and after 3 months, a small “catch up” review.

The 360 will include the following:

  • Peer review - 3 peers will review each employee anonymously via Lattice.

  • Self review - The employee performs a brief self evaluation of their past 3 months

  • Lead review of their team member - The Lead will perform a review of each team members’ previous 3 months.

  • Employee review of their Lead - The employee will perform a brief evaluation of their Lead over the past 3 months

Both parties then sit together over Zoom and go through the review together in a 1:1

The shorter “catch up” review is slimmed down version used more as a check-in on agreed goals from the previous larger review, or during your 1:1s:

  • Lead reviews their team member
  • Employee performs a self review
  • Both then sit over Zoom and go through the review together in a 1:1

What are reviews for?

  • Planning the next stage of your career growth within
  • Openly discussing concerns, blockers and aspirations
  • Setting personalised goals
  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback


Each employee has a regular 1:1 with their Lead. These take place a minimum of every 2 weeks, and are casual check-ins to see how things are going, discuss any blockers, and say “hi”.

We use Lattice to track the discussion points in our 1:1s and set an agenda where required.

Regular 1:1s are an important tool for everyone working in a remote team. They, along with other measures can help mitigate some of the challenges in a remote setup, allow you a regular voice and dedicated time with your lead, and help the lead in regularly understanding and supporting your needs, concerns, and ambitions as a team member.

Leads set up these regular 1:1s along with an agenda, and we encourage all employees to add anything they want to the weekly agenda themselves. 1:1s are a safe space for open discussion and feedback.