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Flexible work hours, Flexitime, and Tracking#

To facilitate a greater work life balance, we operate a flexitime and flexible working hours policy at


Flexitime is a key way that we can manage our time in a remote and dynamic environment. It’s sometimes natural that some days will be longer than others. With flexitime, these extra hours don’t disappear, and can be used to take time off a little while later.

Flexitime is directly linked to time tracking. When an employee tracks time on Jira any hours above their weekly work hours will be credited into their flexitime balance. For example, if an employee has a working week of 40 hours, but tracks 41 hours, then that week they will have 1 hour of flexitime added to their overall balance.

Flexitime is designed to be used regularly. The idea isn’t to accumulate lots of hours to bank them for a later day as this would be counterproductive to the purpose, which is to help empower the employee to maintain work/life harmony.

For example:

  • One day an employee might work an extra 30 minutes over their daily hours, the next day they might work 30 minutes less to balance it out

  • One week the same employee works 2 hours extra, so maybe they finish early on a sunny Friday to balance it out

Flexible working hours#

Flexible working hours are exactly what they sound like! Where possible we allow employees to choose and manage their own working hours in a way that works for them. In doing so we can help accommodate colleagues with personal time limitations or responsibilities outside of work, such as carer roles, that of being a parent, or managing ad hoc life events (medical appointments, travel, house issues, or just one of those mornings)

It’s important to note that there are some limitations and considerations to take into account when choosing work hours.

  • Some roles are time zone dependent. If customer facing or support roles, whilst you’ll still have flexibility regarding start and end times and dealing with life events, it’s likely that there will be a business need for you to be available within certain work hours as a general principle.

  • We ask that, where possible, employees are available for regular team meetings that may take place. These meetings give us a set time to discuss ongoing topics, and mean less unplanned, unstructured last minute syncs, saving us time and affording us greater flexibility the rest of the time.

  • Work is completed to a high standard, and deadlines are still met

Time Tracking#

Every employee is asked to track their own time via Jira and we operate fully on a trust basis (as in nobody will sign off their time, it is self managed by the employee). The “ticket” you use, and the level of detail you go into will be specific to your role, and your Lead will guide you through this.

The purpose of time tracking at is not to be able to micromanage or to be “big brother”. We ask employees to track time larglely as working remotely, it can be easy to work too much or to not take enough breaks, both of which are detrimental to well being. Logging hours can help you keep track of this and self manage any over hours with “Flexitime”, ensuring you don’t miss out on any extra time you’ve given us.

Time tracking also allows for to be better placed to spot areas of concern such as heavy workloads, extra resource requirements in the team, and obtain sight of early signs of employee well being concerns.

We don’t ask that employees go into more detail than is necessary and we don’t expect a minute by minute commentary on their day. Just enough to for them to get a realistic sense of where they spend their time, and to be able to manage that time in line with their work and well being.